Want to know what foods are best for a healthy mind and body? Read here about 3 “superfoods” that can help you maintain optimum health.
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Want to know what foods are best for a healthy mind and body? Read here about 3 “superfoods” that can help you maintain optimum health.
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In recent years, nutritional researchers have made significant progress in identifying the substances in our diets that promote health and those that undermine it. The knowledge they have gathered has given us a greater understanding of which foods do the most to promote overall health and wellness, and how those foods exert their beneficial effects.
Three foods that share the label “superfoods” for their positive influence on many aspects of health, also share the same first letter: B – bananas, blueberries, and beets. Research has identified multiple health benefits from all three of these foods from lowering blood pressure to preventing heart disease to helping detoxify carcinogens in the body.
Bananas for Stress
Feeling stressed after a hard day at work? Don’t have a cocktail, eat a banana! Bananas are very high in potassium, which works to lower blood pressure, while being very low in sodium, which raises blood pressure. In fact, banana producers in the United States now may legally claim that their product reduces blood pressure and lowers the risk of stroke. High blood pressure is also one of the leading contributors to heart disease, so the benefits of bananas extend to the heart as well.
Bananas also have proven to be especially beneficial for kidney health. While a large body of research has indicated that eating fresh fruits promotes kidney function, the fruit that seem to offer the greatest protection against kidney cancer is the banana. A study reported in the January 2005 issue of the International Journal of Cancer found that women who ate four to six bananas per week had half the risk of kidney cancer as women who did not eat bananas.
Blueberries for Aging
Many of us worry about the natural effects of aging and look for ways to try to look and feel as young as possible. Few of us probably realize that having a handful of blueberries every day can help you do just that. Blueberries contain compounds called anthocyanins that research has shown may offer protection from oxidative stress, which underlies virtually all disorders commonly linked to aging – cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease to name just a few.
In 2006 the journal Neurobiological Aging published studies conducted at Tufts University in Massachusetts that indicated a diet supplemented with blueberries actually reversed age-related decline in the region of the brain associated with memory formation and storage. More recently, researchers at the University of Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center found that blueberries added to the diet of mice reduced the effects of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
Beets to Fight Inflammation
The third of the “superfoods” contains a wide range of compounds that promote optimal health and help fight the chronic effects of aging. Research reveals that beets have particularly powerful antioxidant properties, which aid in repairing cellular damage. They have also been shown to fight chronic inflammation, which is linked to a wide range of diseases associated with aging including heart disease, atherosclerosis, and Type 2 diabetes. The fact that beets show both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects means that a diet rich in beets is highly likely to have a positive effect on reducing the risk of cancer.
Adding fiber to the diet is recognized as an excellent way to promote colon and digestive health, and beet fiber seems to be particularly helpful in this regard. Both beets and another root vegetable, carrots, contain pectin polysaccharides, substances that significantly increase these foods’ total fiber content. As a result, they may provide benefits above and beyond other vegetables in terms of promoting digestion and reducing the risk of colon cancer.
All Over-the-Counter
Perhaps the best part is that all of these super disease fighters are completely natural and readily available in any market. You don’t need a prescription to obtain them and there are no special instructions for taking them – just eat them regularly and in moderation for optimal health benefits. Of course, any time you consider a change in diet it is best to see a professional who can offer you advice on how to get the greatest benefit out of such a move. A specialist in integrative medicine in as excellent choice because he or she can help you incorporate diet as one part of a fully integrated and healthy lifestyle.
Bobek P, Galbavy S, Mariassyova M. The effect of red beet (Beta vulgaris var. rubra) fiber on alimentary hypercholesterolemia and chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rats. Nahrung 2000 Jun;44(3):184-7. 2000.
Clarke, JD, Riedl K, Bella D, Schwartz SJ, Stevens JF, Ho E. Comparison of Isothiocyanate Metabolite Levels and Histone Deacetylase Activity in Human Subjects Consuming Broccoli Sprouts or Broccoli Supplement. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011; 110930085450000 DOI: 10.1021/jf202887c
Elbandy MA and Abdelfadeil MG. Stability of betalain pigments from a red beetroot (Beta vulgaris). Poster Session Presentation. The First International Conference of Food Industries and Biotechnology & Associated Fair. Al-Baath University, North Sinai, Egypt. Available online at: www.albaath univ.edu.sy/foodex2010/connections/ Posters/6.pdf. 2010.
Galli RL, Bielinski DF, Szprengiel A, Shukitt-Hale B, Joseph JA. Neurobiol Aging. 2006 Feb;27(2):344-50. “Blueberry supplemented diet reverses age-related decline in hippocampal HSP70 neuroprotection.” Neuroscience Laboratory, USDA-ARS Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, 711 Washington St., Boston, MA 02111, USA.
Lee CH, Wettasinghe M, Bolling BW et al. Betalains, phase II enzyme-inducing components from red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) extracts. Nutr Cancer. 2005;53(1):91-103. 2005.
Rashidkhani B, Lindblad P, and Wolk, A. Fruits, vegetables and risk of renal cell carcinoma: A prospective study of Swedish women. International Journal of Cancer. 2005 Jan; 113 (3): 451-55.
Wu X, Kang J, Xie C, Burris R, Ferguson ME, Badger TM, Nagarajan S. USDA Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA. J Nutr. 2010 Sep;140(9):1628-32. Epub 2010 Jul 21. “Dietary blueberries attenuate atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by upregulating antioxidant enzyme expression.”
Posted By: AXIOM Health Care Marketing
Mind-body medicine is an effective form of alternative medicine that is helping countless people.
Check out the article below to see how it can help you.
Posted By: Axiom Health Care Marketing
In the past two-hundred years science and technology has seen exponential growth. Every decade a new breakthrough is made. People all over the world are being saved from terrible diseases all thanks to these breakthroughs. But what if there was a treatment option that slipped by, a type of medicine that people have used for thousands of years to cure all kinds of diseases and live a better life? It’s not a fantasy, it’s called mind-body medicine and it is changing the way people look at health.
As much as modern medicine has evolved it still has its limitations. You can’t cure every single problem with pills, surgery, etc. Some problems need to be looked at from a different angle. That is where mind-body medicine comes in. It is a unique form of medicine that looks at treatment of the whole body. They don’t just target specific parts of the body like the heart, lungs or brain. They see the whole system and treat it accordingly.
Mind-body medicine has been around for a long time. It was only a few hundred years ago that doctors started treating the mind and body as separate entities. Although there is indeed validity to this there are still some drawbacks. For problems like depression and stress it can be hard to cure the root cause. Unlike a headache, stress is not as tangible. Therefore giving someone medication isn’t always the answer.
A mind-body practitioner will utilize specific relaxations techniques like meditation, journaling, tai-chi, chi-gong, journaling, art therapy and aroma therapy to help alleviate stress. Each of these techniques is well-known and has its own merit.
In the mid-seventies a man by the name of Dr. Benson from Harvard Medical School started to study mind-body medicine to see its true effects on people. He found through extensive research that relaxation techniques like meditation improve people’s health in all aspects. With that evidence the world of mind-body medicine has become more and more popular.
As the world continues to evolve mind-body medicine will continue to grow. Eastern medicine practices like meditation and yoga have already become widespread in the western world. To fully heal people and make new strides in science eastern and western medicine must come together to act as one.
That is the direction the world is headed in and renowned integrative medicine practitioner Dr. Jorge Bordenave knows this. That is why he has embraced mind-body medicine and utilizes its tactics to heal people of their most troubling problems. Dr. Jorge Bordenave is located in Miami, Florida and works diligently to help people using a holistic approach.
With treatment from Dr. Bordenave you can rest easy as he focuses on treating the root causes of your health problems. No more medications and no more stress. Let Dr. Bordenave be the change you have been looking for. Embrace mind-body medicine and live a better life.
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If you are trying to make the change to healthy living or are just in need of a new healthy alternative check out the article below.
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Check out this great video about Dr. Jorge Bordenave.
Click the link below to view it.
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Learn how to alter your diet naturally by developing a healthy eating habit.
Click below to learn more.
Also be sure to check out Dr. Bordenave’s new YouTube video!
Posted By: AXIOM Health Care Marketing
Integrative medicine is designed to treat the whole body. Through a combination of healthy eating and healthy living, an integrative medicine practitioner can change someone’s life. The goal is to eliminate the medications, treat the root cause and feel changes that last the rest of your life.
When looking for such long-term change you must understand that an integrative medicine practitioner can give you the blueprint to healthy living and help you along the way, but to really feel the effects a habit must be formed. A habit is essentially being able to do something without thinking about it. There is no effort involved. Like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, going to work. These are the things you do every day and give no thought to. But there was a time in your life where it was effort. As a child all kids have to be told to brush their teeth or take a shower. It wasn’t until you did it repeatedly over a long period of time that it became a habit.
Another factor involved with forming a habit is seeing the benefit. When you were a child you probably didn’t want to take a shower or brush your teeth. But as you continued to do it you realized the benefits of it; whiter looking teeth, cleaner skin, and a better look. Now that task that seemed like a huge effort became something you wanted to do every day. It started to become a habit and by seeing the benefit it was possible.
Developing a healthy eating habit is the exact same way. Right now if you’re eating habits are lackluster, then eating healthy probably feels like effort. Having a doughnut in the morning seems much easier and tastier then making some eggs. Eating a salad with lunch probably feels like a challenge when a bag of chips is tempting you. It is understandable. But know that if you were able to build other habits like brushing your teeth and getting a shower, you are just as able to build a healthy eating habit. Here’s how.
Start off small and keep things very simple. If you have already paid a visit to your local integrative medicine doctor then they should have given you a clear outline of healthy foods you can eat. Don’t go all in right from the start. Start off with a piece of fruit every day. Eat an apple, orange, grapefruit, etc. Whatever fruit that you really enjoy eating. If it has a great taste it won’t feel like as much effort. Do this for a two-week period. Next find a vegetable that you really enjoy. Eat cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, etc. Whatever it is that you enjoy eat it. Incorporate this in with your current diet for two weeks.
Now a month has passed and you are eating one fruit and one vegetable every day. Keep eating these and now incorporate one healthy meal into your week. It doesn’t matter if it is breakfast, lunch or dinner. It also doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. Find a healthy meal you think you will love and then cook it. Each week add an extra healthy meal.
As time continues on you have very slowly incorporated a healthy diet into your life. You have been eating fruits and vegetables for months. Just about every meal you eat is healthy and your life is changing. It may feel like it is too slow. But building a habit takes time, by doing this so gradually you set yourself up so that it is impossible to fail.
You will also notice a change in the way you feel. Eating healthy for a long period of time boosts your energy and lessens if not eliminates your aches and pains. Just like with showering and brushing your teeth, you see the benefits and you continue forward. Your taste buds will start to change as well. When looking at a doughnut or a bag of chips you will not feel the craving. Instead you will desire fruits, vegetables, beans, lean chicken, etc.
With expert advice from integrative medicine practitioners like Dr. Jorge Bordenave you can set yourself up for long-lasting success. Heal your whole body and make the change that lasts a lifetime.
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Diminish anxiety and stress with simple and easy breathing exercises.
Read the full article below…
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If you are suffering from an illness or injury that won’t relent acupuncture may just solve your problem. Check out the article below to learn more.
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