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Check out this great video about Dr. Jorge Bordenave.
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Diminish anxiety and stress with simple and easy breathing exercises.
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As Integrative Medicine incorporates a full body approach to well-being, exercise is another effective and necessary piece of the complete “prescription.” Learning how to manage stress, anxiety and all of the worries of life is essential to maintaining well-being. Take some time after reading this article to digest and fully understand why and how to apply breath exercises to your Integrative Medicine treatment.
Using breathing exercises is essential to maintaining your health effectively and without potentially toxic medications. Since everyone has stress from their job, their personal commitments and from day to day stressors, finding a way to manage and diffuse it is essential to maintain optimal health. If left unchecked, stress over time can have negative effects. Experiencing symptoms of anxiety, which include an elevated pulse rate, tightened muscles, and increased stress hormones levels, among others, keeps your body’s immune system from functioning optimally. Over time, your body’s reactions to daily stressors from life, leads to diminished levels of energy and potentially an emotionally burnout and total exhaustion. Therefore, it is essential to know how to moderate your daily stress levels.
The first exercise to do is to quiet your body and mind. People who have recurring anxiety and nervous tension are filled with negative thoughts and “self-talk.” These people are always thinking, talking and fantasizing about their problems – this “mental movie” of one’s problems and worries is emotionally and physically draining. This constant stress and the racing mind must first be quieted.
Quieting the mind is quite an easy process and has many immediate and long-term beneficial effects. Pick anything of personal intrinsic value – it can be a piece of jewelry, a picture, a plant, etc. The next step is to inhale and exhale slowly for two minutes while looking at your chosen focusing piece. If you feel any anxiety or feelings of nervousness, re-focus on the object. This might not work the first time, the second time or even the third time. If you keep doing this, eventually your mind will become relaxed and not let competing and racing thoughts cloud your psyche.
The next exercise is to meditate. Meditation helps you feel organized and centered. Many people who experience anxiety, no matter the level, often feel disorganized and ungrounded. Meditating, preferably before starting your day, or anytime, enables you to focus your energy and be more efficient in completing work and personal obligations. Meditation begins by sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Block out all thoughts and sensations except for your breathing. Sometimes there is an audio coach, a live coach or your inner conscious guiding you to focus on your breathing and your breathing only. Repeat until you feel very relaxed.
Along with the main type of meditation, there are variations of meditating to center one-self. The next method of relaxing is to release muscle tension. This can be accomplished by lying on your back, letting your arms rest naturally. Similar to meditating, develop and maintain a steady breathing cadence. Clench your fists, tighter and tighter, for 15 seconds. During this process, let the rest of your body relax and visualize your fists becoming tighter and tighter. After the 15 seconds, let go and let your body relax for 30 seconds. Do this same exercise with other tense parts of your body for 15 seconds on and 30 seconds off. Doing this, along with visualizing your relaxation will help you let go of tension naturally and effectively.
Performing these exercises will enable you to manage your stress and anxiety effectively, efficiently and without traditional prescription medication. Over time, your body will be more accustom to manage stress and anxiety better and you will be able to diffuse it better in the future.
Posted by Axiom Administrative Services–Integrated Healthcare Marketing Services
The staff at Miami Integrative Medicine would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Posted by Axiom Administrative Services
AXIOM CORPORATE INFORMATION 69 Appaloosa Lane, Bldg C, Ste. 201 Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 Phone/Fax: 800-888-6348 Website: Integrated Healthcare Marketing ServicesWhen you decide to visit an Integrative Medicine practitioner for your initial appointment, there are some steps that you must take before the visit to make it go smoother and get better results. Your initial visit to the Integrative Medicine practitioner will cover everything necessary to establish a baseline for your Integrative Medicine treatment. Once your first visit is completed, your Integrative Medicine practitioner(s) will then analyze your medical records and information gathered from speaking with you during the visit to determine a health care plan for future visits. Your initial visit to the Integrative Medicine practitioner’s office is highly important and has many implications for the rest of your treatment for current and future medical needs.
Before you see your Integrative medical practitioner in person, there are some important and necessary steps to complete. Speak with all doctors, hospitals and related medical professionals to obtain medical records (lab reports, doctor’s notes, prescriptions records, etc.). You will need to document your personal and genetic history of diseases, chronic health conditions, etc. Along with your prescription medical records that your current practitioners have prescribed for you, you should document all supplements and herbs that you take and for what reason. Documenting what your currently ingest is good to let your Integrative Medicine practitioner understand what you are taking and to double check your medical records. Ideally, supplying as much of this as possible before your initial visit is ideal because your Integrative Medicine practitioner can review your records and personal information and ask any necessary investigatory questions.
The next step is to attend your appointment at your Integrative Medicine practitioner’s office. During your first visit, your doctor will follow up and complete their comprehensive review of your baseline health. He or she will speak with you to confirm all of the important details of your medical history – this includes surgeries, past and present major medical conditions, you and your family’s genetic past and any present issues that you are facing. Without establishing your baseline health and any existing chronic or acute health conditions, your doctor will not be able to effectively and efficiently treat you and make appropriate recommendations for your prescriptions, supplements and diet.
After performing a physical evaluation, your Integrative Medicine practitioner will evaluate your diet, supplement and exercise regimen. Based on your current health, diet, supplement regimen and exercise regimen, your Integrative Medicine practitioner will make recommendations based on each factor. Your Integrative Health medicine practitioner may also write prescriptions for the appropriate medication to treat your disease(s) along with modifying your lifestyle choices as well as your nutrition and supplement regimen. Determining your baseline health, along with what your current nutrition and supplement regimen is essential to help your Integrative Medicine practitioner customize your individual treatment program.
After your first visit your Integrative Medicine practitioner will take some time on his or her own to develop a comprehensive or “integrative” approach to your health maintenance plan. Normally, it requires no additional time or interaction with your Integrative Medicine practitioner, unless you want to supply additional medical records. This approach will analyze and synthesize all of the information your doctor has to date on you, your medical records, what you say during the visit and what other physician’s offices might add beyond your medical records. This process will then culminate into a detailed and personalized healthcare plan based on an “Integrative Medicine” approach. You will then have one or many follow-up visits depending on your current health, what you want to accomplish and what you Integrative Medicine practitioner feels is necessary to optimizing your health.
Posted by Axiom Administrative Services
AXIOM CORPORATE INFORMATION 69 Appaloosa Lane, Bldg C, Ste. 201 Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 Phone/Fax: 800-888-6348 Website: Integrated Healthcare Marketing ServicesEveryone at Miami Integrative Medicine would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Posted by Axiom Administrative Services
AXIOM CORPORATE INFORMATION 69 Appaloosa Lane, Bldg C, Ste. 201 Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 Phone/Fax: 800-888-6348 Website: Integrated Healthcare Marketing ServicesA stress reduction program using Transcendental Meditation significantly reduced mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke in African-American patients with coronary heart disease, researchers reported.
Those practicing TM had a 48% reduction in these outcomes according to Robert H. Schneider, MD, of Maharishi University of Management in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, and colleagues.
The TM group also had a change of −4.9 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure as reported online in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
“Reduction in systolic BP may be a physiological mechanism for reduced clinical events in this trial since this magnitude of reduction has been associated with 15% reduction in cardiovascular clinical events,” Schneider and colleagues wrote.
African Americans are disproportionately afflicted with cardiovascular disease, at least in part possibly because of environmental and psychosocial stresses.
The TM program involves daily periods during which individuals sit quietly allowing the mind to drift into a “wakeful hypometabolic state,” which is characterized by physiologic changes typical of decreased stress.
Previous studies of stress reduction using TM have shown benefits for risk factors and various clinical endpoints in the general population.
Schneider and colleagues enrolled 201 black patients who had at least one coronary artery with 50% blockage.
In the study, they assigned participants to learn the meditation technique and practice it twice a day for 20 minutes, or to health education on cardiovascular health with instructions to engage in heart-healthy behaviors each day at home.
The study took place between 1998 and 2007, in two phases separated by a period of loss of funding in 2003 and 2004.
The primary endpoint was a composite of nonfatal stroke or myocardial infarction and all-cause mortality, while secondary endpoints included cardiovascular mortality, revascularization, and hospitalization for coronary heart disease or heart failure
More than half of the patients were men, and mean age was 59. About 60% were taking lipid-lowering medications, 44% were taking ACE inhibitors, and 35% were on calcium channel blockers
“In conclusion, this randomized controlled trial found that a selected mind-body intervention, the Transcendental Meditation program, significantly reduced risk for mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke in African-American men and women with coronary heart disease. These changes were associated with reductions in BP and psychosocial distress,” Schneider and colleagues wrote
Limitations of the study included sample sizes that were not large enough to explore single endpoints, and varying duration for time spent in the study for some participants
The study also did not attempt to assess the potential benefits of other types of mind-body programs, so additional research will be needed.
Dr. Jorge Bordenave practices Integrative, Preventive & Clinical Cardiology.
He is NOAA / UHMS Certified Dive Medical Examiner, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, FIU Medical College and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Nova Southeastern University.
Posted by Axiom Administrative Services
AXIOM CORPORATE INFORMATION 69 Appaloosa Lane, Bldg C, Ste. 201 Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 Phone/Fax: 800-888-6348 Website: Integrated Healthcare Marketing Services
Primary source: Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Source reference:
Schneider R, et al “Stress reduction in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomized controlled trial of Transcendental Meditation and health education in African Americans” Circ Cardiovasc Quality Outcomes 2012; DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.112.967406.
Since Integrative Medicine takes a holistic approach to improving and maintaining health for the mind, body and soul, it would be appropriate to explore the role of nutrition in the whole body approach. Learning how to eat and for what types of health conditions nutrition can treat, it is essential to make the most of an Integrative Medicine approach to becoming and staying well. No matter what you are using Integrative Medicine to treat your body for your overall health, to manage inflammation, to support your body’s ability to manage its diabetes, to maintain heart health, and to promote a stable mood, through an Integrative Medicine approach, can have real results.
Eating for your overall health, perhaps the most important principle of Integrative Medicine, can be accomplished quite easily with some easy to follow principles. No matter what type of fruits and vegetables you eat, make sure they are in season, fresh and are grown without pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and other industrial agents. Eating as many colors and types of fruits and vegetables will ensure you are well protected against acute and chronic diseases. Whether fruits and vegetable are fresh or frozen, as long as you eat 8 to 10 servings per day, you will be served well.[i]
According to research, inflammation is becoming more widespread and is the culprit that causes many chronic and debilitating diseases. However, Integrative Medicine can help people reduce and manage their levels of inflammation, thereby reducing their chances of developing such serious diseases. Eating a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and fats is recommended. Variety really is the spice in your diet and is great to manage inflammation. Along with eating a wide variety of naturally colored fruits and vegetables and minimizing exposure to processed foods and toxins on and in foods, eating oily fish or taking fish oil supplements helps combat inflammation.[ii]
Integrative medicine, through its holistic approach, has a nutritional approach, along with medication, to help your body naturally manage its diabetes. With a 40-30-30 ratio of non-starch vegetables, lean protein and high fiber fruits and low-glycemic fruits respectively, the Integrative Medicine approach to supporting and not-stressing out your body while have a condition such as diabetes is very effective.[iii]
Eating to maintain your heart’s health is very essential because it provides blood which provides oxygen and nutrients to the rest of your body. Along with the theme of eating naturally through fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, nuts and oil (organic, when always possible), it is essential to make healthier choices when it comes to drinks, snacks and basic staples. Some examples of replacing poor heart healthy choices for better food choices includes: using flavorful herbs and spices instead of salt; replacing beer and spirits with red wine (in moderation of course); and replacing white bread and bagels with pita or sprouted bread.[iv]
Along with eating properly to maintain and support one’s organs and cardiovascular system, Integrative Medicine has not left out nutrition when it comes to supporting ideal mental health. Building on eating well through natural, organic and minimally processed foods, there are some specific recommendations to promote an even and healthy mood through nutrition. Specific suggestions include not skipping meals, eating foods to stabilize and minimize swings of blood sugar levels, increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, stay away from caffeine, minimize or avoid alcohol and ensure you have normal levels of necessary vitamins and minerals.[v]
As you can see, nutrition in the Integrative Medicine approach, is very integral to supporting both the physical body and the mind. Taking a serious approach to your nutrition will enable you to support your overall health. With advice from your Integrative Medicine practitioner, you will be able to maximize your health by becoming and staying well.
Dr. Jorge Bordenave practices Integrative, Preventive & Clinical Cardiology.
He is NOAA / UHMS Certified Dive Medical Examiner, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, FIU Medical College and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Nova Southeastern University.
Posted by Axiom Administrative Services
AXIOM CORPORATE INFORMATION 69 Appaloosa Lane, Bldg C, Ste. 201 Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 Phone/Fax: 800-888-6348 Website: Integrated Healthcare Marketing Services
[i] The University of Arizona. Resources: Top Ten Tips For a Healthy Diet. Accessed November 15, 2012.
[ii] The University of Arizona. Resources: Anti-inflammatory Diet. Accessed November 15, 2012.
[iii] The University of Arizona. Resources: Healthy Meals for Diabetics. Accessed November 15, 2012.
[iv] The University of Arizona. Resources: Choosing Foods for Heart Health. Accessed November 15, 2012.
[v] The University of Arizona. Resources: Dietary Tips for Better Mental Health. Accessed November 15, 2012.